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Videos, websites and apps

While it can be useful to work through difficult thoughts and feelings, sometimes you just want to take your mind of what you're going through.

Here are some things people have suggested that help them to think about something else when they are really struggling.

"TED videos make me think of the world differently, which can be really helpful when I'm struggling."

"When I'm watching it, I think: 'How did they do this? How did they get the dogs to sit still for so long? Why have so many people watched it?' Plus, I love dogs."

Weave Silk

Weave Silk

"Sometimes I get so stressed out I cant think. Making art on Weave Silk, combined with the sounds it makes, clears my head. I've saved it on my phone in case I need it when I'm out."


Tone Matrix

"I love music, but had to sell a lot of my instruments when I lost my job. I use apps online like Tonematrix instead and it helps me feel creative again."

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