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Youth Voice Network

The Youth Voice Network is for anyone aged 11 to 24 living in England and Wales.

It’s here to give you a say in what we do. Sign up, and you’ll have a chance to shape our work.

Join now

What is the Youth Voice Network?

Our Youth Voice Network is here to give young people a say in our work. We set the network up in January 2020, and since then we’ve had more than 3,000 young people sign up.

It’s here to lift up the voices of a diverse group of young people. We’ll give you a say on things we’re working on. And we’ll listen to you about work you think we should be doing too.

We won’t just listen to what you say, we’ll make you feel safe and make sure we take you seriously. When we say this network is here to give you a voice, we mean it.

As a teenager, there has always been an unspoken stigma against mental health. That’s why getting involved with Mind has been such an eye-opening and insightful opportunity. It’s taught me a lot, and I’ve taken lots away from it.

Who can join?

The Youth Voice Network is for anyone aged 11-24 living in England or Wales.

We want our network to have lots of different people in it from all kinds of backgrounds. When you join, we’ll help you feel comfortable and ready to take part.

What you could do

There’s so many things we can do together.  Whether it’s online or in person, we’ll find you something that you’ll love.

Our members have:

  • Written blogs for our website
  • Joined online workshops with us
  • Helped us with festival planning
  • Worked with us with big brands like Kleenex
  • Got involved in big campaigns for the UK and Welsh governments
  • Volunteered with the media
  • Helped us improve our information - adding quotes, tips and advice to help other young people
  • Spoken at events
  • Helped us decide what we’ll be working on for the next 4 years

There’s also going to be times for you to meet people who are passionate about mental health and wellbeing too.

What we’ve been up to

Youth Voice Network members have been campaigning for better mental health for young people. Watch these videos to find out more. 

3 young people talk about how physical activity has helped their wellbeing – and how sports coaches can adapt training to support them. You'll hear from River, then Paddy, then Elsa.

In October 2022, young campaigners delivered a message to Rishi Sunak – it's time to invest in better early intervention mental health support for young people. In this video, you'll hear from Elsa, then Catherine, then Jenny, on why this investment is so important.

What you’ll get

As a Youth Voice Network member, you’ll get:

  • A newsletter every 2 weeks with opportunities you can get involved in
  • Clear descriptions of what each opportunity involves so you can decide if it’s right for you
  • The Young People’s Newsletter – by young people, for young people, written by Youth Voice Network Young Journalists 
  • Support throughout the opportunity, in a way that suits you
  • A voucher for taking part in opportunities

Your information will be kept safe and secure, and we won’t share anything you don’t want us to. 

If you’re under 16, we’ll keep your parent or carer posted with all the details. They’ll know everything about what you need to do for the opportunity, as well as why we’re asking you to take part.

FAQs for young people

Find out more about the Youth Voice Network and how you can take part.

FAQs for parents and carers

Find out more about the Youth Voice Network and how your young person can take part. 

Having a tough time?

If you’re going through a difficult time, it can be really scary and upsetting. Whatever you’re feeling right now, we're here for you.

We have lots of information and resources to help. 

Youth Voice Network

Young people have told us that they want to feel more heard, especially in regards to decisions that affect their lives. Here at Mind, we want to listen.

By joining the Youth Voice Network you will be offered a range of ways to get involved and shape our work in England and Wales. We want to hear from young people with and without personal experience of having mental health problems. You just need to be between the ages of 11 and 24, and be ready to make a difference.

For more information about the network click the links below to reach our FAQs, or contact us at [email protected].

Join the network

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