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Complain to the media

If you've seen inappropriate, discriminatory or offensive coverage of mental health in the media, you can make a complaint. Find out how on this page.

Stories in newspapers, magazines, or on news websites

For complaints about stories in a newspaper, magazine, or on a news website, email or write to the editor.

If they don't respond within a week, or you're not happy with their response, you can make a complaint to the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO).

IPSO is the regulator for newspaper and magazine industries in the UK. It deals with complaints about coverage in print media and on news websites.

IPSO have a code of practice for print journalists. The code outlines the standards of reporting they must follow. IPSO can look at the media coverage, to see if it's in breach of the code.

You should keep a hard copy of the coverage to post to IPSO. Or you can email them a picture of the coverage.

Television and radio

To make a complaint about something you've seen or heard on TV or radio, you can either:

  • Complain to the broadcaster directly
  • Complain to the industry regulator, Ofcom

Many broadcasters will tell you how to submit a complaint on their websites.

If you want to complain about a TV or radio programme that hasn't been broadcast yet, you'll must complain to the broadcaster directly. Ofcom only deals with complaints after a programme has aired.

Other ways to get involved

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